

class spykes.plot.neurovis.NeuroVis(spiketimes, name='neuron')[source]

This class is used to visualize firing activity of single neurons.

This class implements several conveniences for visualizing firing activity of single neurons.

  • spiketimes (Numpy array) – Array of spike times.
  • name (str) – The name of the visualization.
get_psth(event=None, df=None, conditions=None, cond_id=None, window=[-100, 500], binsize=10, plot=True, event_name=None, conditions_names=None, ylim=None, colors=['#F5A21E', '#134B64', '#EF3E34', '#02A68E', '#FF07CD'])[source]

Compute the PSTH and plot it.

  • event (str) – Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary data which contains event times in milliseconds (e.g. stimulus/trial/fixation onset, etc.)
  • conditions (str) – Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary data which contains the conditions by which the trials must be grouped.
  • cond_id (list) – Which psth to plot indicated by the key in all_psth['data']`. If None then all are plotted.
  • df (DataFrame or dictionary) – The dataframe containing the data.
  • window (list of 2 elements) – Time interval to consider, in milliseconds.
  • binsize (int) – Bin size in milliseconds.
  • plot (bool) – If True then plot.
  • event_name (string) – Legend name for event. Default is the actual event name
  • conditions_names (TODO) – Legend names for conditions. Default are the unique values in df['conditions'].
  • ylim (list) – The lower and upper limits for Y.
  • colors (list) – The colors for the plot.

rasters with keys event, conditions, binsize, window, and data. rasters['data'] is a dictionary where each value is a raster for each unique entry of df['conditions'].

Return type:


get_raster(event=None, conditions=None, df=None, window=[-100, 500], binsize=10, plot=True, sortby=None, sortorder='descend')[source]

Computes the raster and plots it.

  • event (str) – Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary “data” which contains event times in milliseconds (e.g. stimulus/trial/fixation onset, etc.)
  • conditions (str) – Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary data which contains the conditions by which the trials must be grouped.
  • df (DataFrame or dictionary) – The dataframe containing the data, or a dictionary with the equivalent structure.
  • window (list of 2 elements) – Time interval to consider, in milliseconds.
  • binsize (int) – Bin size in milliseconds
  • plot (bool) – If True then plot
  • sortby (str or list) – If rate, sort by firing rate. If latency, sort by peak latency. If a list, integers to be used as sorting indices.
  • sortorder (str) – Direction to sort, either descend or ascend.

rasters with keys event, conditions, binsize, window, and data. rasters['data'] is a dictionary where each value is a raster for each unique entry of df['conditions'].

Return type:


get_spikecounts(event=None, df=None, window=array([ 50., 100.]))[source]

Counts spikes in the dataframe.

  • event (str) – Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary data which contains event times in milliseconds (e.g. stimulus/trial/fixation onset, etc.)
  • window (list of 2 elements) – Time interval to consider, in milliseconds.

An n x 1 array of spike counts.

Return type:


plot_psth(psth, event_name='event_onset', conditions_names=None, cond_id=None, ylim=None, colors=['#F5A21E', '#134B64', '#EF3E34', '#02A68E', '#FF07CD'])[source]

Plots PSTH.

  • psth (dict) – Output of get_psth().
  • event_name (string) – Legend name for event. Default is the actual event name.
  • conditions_names (list of str) – Legend names for conditions. Default are the keys in psth['data'].
  • cond_id (list) – Which psth to plot indicated by the key in all_psth['data']`. If None then all are plotted.
  • ylim (list) – The lower and upper limits for Y.
  • colors (list) – The colors for the plot.
plot_raster(rasters, cond_id=None, cond_name=None, sortby=None, sortorder='descend', cmap='Greys', has_title=True)[source]

Plot a single raster.

  • rasters (dict) – Output of get_raster method
  • cond_id (str) – Which raster to plot indicated by the key in rasters['data']. If None then all are plotted.
  • cond_name (str) – Name to appear in the title.
  • sortby (str or list) – If rate, sort by firing rate. If latency, sort by peak latency. If a list, integers to be used as sorting indices.
  • sortorder (str) – Direction to sort in, either descend or ascend.
  • cmap (str) – Colormap for raster.
  • has_title (bool) – If True then adds title.


class spykes.plot.popvis.PopVis(neuron_list, name='PopVis')[source]

Facilitates visualization of neuron population firing activity.

Parameters:neuron_list (list of NeuroVis objects) – The list of neurons to visualize (see the NeuroVis class in spykes.plot.neurovis).

int – The number of neurons in the visualization.


str – The name of this visualization.

get_all_psth(event=None, df=None, conditions=None, window=[-100, 500], binsize=10, conditions_names=None, plot=True, colors=['Blues', 'Reds', 'Greens'])[source]

Iterates through all neurons and computes their PSTH’s.

  • event (str) – Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary “data” which contains event times in milliseconds (e.g. stimulus/trial/ fixation onset, etc.).
  • df (DataFrame or dictionary) – The data to use.
  • conditions (str) – Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary df which contains the conditions by which the trials must be grouped
  • window (list of 2 elements) – Time interval to consider, in milliseconds.
  • binsize (int) – Bin size, in milliseconds.
  • conditions_names (list of str) – Legend names for conditions. Default are the unique values in df['conditions'].
  • plot (bool) – If set, automatically plot; otherwise, don’t.
  • colors (list) – List of colors for heatmap (only if plot is True).

With keys event, conditions, binsize, window, and data. Each entry in psth['data'] is itself a dictionary with keys of each cond_id that correspond to the means for that condition.

Return type:


plot_heat_map(psth_dict, cond_id=None, conditions_names=None, sortby=None, sortorder='descend', normalize=None, neuron_names=True, colors=None, show=False)[source]

Plots heat map for neuron population

  • psth_dict (dict) – With keys event, conditions, binsize, window, and data. Each entry in psth['data'] is itself a dictionary with keys of each cond_id that correspond to the means for that condition.
  • cond_id (str) – Which psth to plot indicated by the key in all_psth['data']. If None then all are plotted.
  • conditions_names (str or list of str) – Name(s) to appear in the title.
  • sortby (str or list) – If rate, sort by firing rate. If latency, sort by peak latency. If a list or array is provided, it must correspond to integer indices to be used as sorting indices. If no sort order is provided, the data is returned as-is.
  • sortorder (str) – The direction to sort in, either descend or ascend.
  • normalize (str) – If all, divide all PSTHs by highest peak firing rate in all neurons. If each, divide each PSTH by its own peak firing rate. If None, do not normalize.
  • neuron_names (bool) – Whether or not to list the names of neurons on the side.
  • colors (list of str) – List of colors for the heatmap (as strings).
  • show (bool) – If set, show the plot once finished.
plot_population_psth(all_psth=None, event=None, df=None, conditions=None, cond_id=None, window=[-100, 500], binsize=10, conditions_names=None, event_name='event_onset', ylim=None, colors=['#F5A21E', '#134B64', '#EF3E34', '#02A68E', '#FF07CD'], show=False)[source]

Plots population PSTH’s.

This involves two steps. First, it normalizes each neuron’s PSTH across the conditions. Second, it averages out and plots population PSTH.

  • all_psth (dict) – With keys event, conditions, binsize, window, and data. Each entry in psth['data'] is itself a dictionary with keys of each cond_id that correspond to the means for that condition.
  • event (str) – Column/key name of the df DataFrame/dictionary which contains event times in milliseconds (stimulus/trial/fixation onset, etc.).
  • df (DataFrame or dictionary) – DataFrame containing the data to plot, or a dictionary corresponding to such a DataFrame.
  • conditions (str) – Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary df which contains the conditions by which the trials must be grouped.
  • cond_id (list) – Which psth to plot indicated by the key in all_psth['data']`. If None then all are plotted.
  • window (list of 2 elements) – Time interval to consider, in milliseconds.
  • binsize (int) – Bin size, in milliseconds.
  • conditions_names (list) – Legend names for conditions. Default are the unique values in df['conditions'].
  • event_name (string) – Legend name for event. Default is the actual event name
  • ylim (list) – The minimum and maximum values for Y.
  • colors (list) – The colors to use for the plot (as strings).
  • show (bool) – If set, show the plot once it has been created.