Source code for spykes.plot.neurovis

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .. import utils
from ..config import DEFAULT_POPULATION_COLORS

[docs]class NeuroVis(object): '''This class is used to visualize firing activity of single neurons. This class implements several conveniences for visualizing firing activity of single neurons. Args: spiketimes (Numpy array): Array of spike times. name (str): The name of the visualization. ''' def __init__(self, spiketimes, name='neuron'): = name self.spiketimes = np.squeeze(np.sort(spiketimes)) n_seconds = (self.spiketimes[-1] - self.spiketimes[0]) n_spikes = np.size(spiketimes) self.firingrate = (n_spikes / n_seconds)
[docs] def get_raster(self, event=None, conditions=None, df=None, window=[-100, 500], binsize=10, plot=True, sortby=None, sortorder='descend'): '''Computes the raster and plots it. Args: event (str): Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary "data" which contains event times in milliseconds (e.g. stimulus/trial/fixation onset, etc.) conditions (str): Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary :data:`data` which contains the conditions by which the trials must be grouped. df (DataFrame or dictionary): The dataframe containing the data, or a dictionary with the equivalent structure. window (list of 2 elements): Time interval to consider, in milliseconds. binsize (int): Bin size in milliseconds plot (bool): If True then plot sortby (str or list): If :data:`rate`, sort by firing rate. If :data:`latency`, sort by peak latency. If a list, integers to be used as sorting indices. sortorder (str): Direction to sort, either :data:`descend` or :data:`ascend`. Returns: dict: :data:`rasters` with keys :data:`event`, :data:`conditions`, :data:`binsize`, :data:`window`, and :data:`data`. :data:`rasters['data']` is a dictionary where each value is a raster for each unique entry of :data:`df['conditions']`. ''' if not type(df) is dict: df = df.reset_index() window = [np.floor(window[0] / binsize) * binsize, np.ceil(window[1] / binsize) * binsize] # Get a set of binary indicators for trials of interest if conditions: trials = dict() for cond_id in np.sort(df[conditions].unique()): trials[cond_id] = \ np.where((df[conditions] == cond_id).apply( lambda x: (0, 1)[x]).values)[0] else: trials = dict() trials[0] = np.where(np.ones(np.size(df[event])))[0] # Initialize rasters rasters = { 'event': event, 'conditions': conditions, 'window': window, 'binsize': binsize, 'data': {}, } # Loop over each raster for cond_id in trials: # Select events relevant to this raster selected_events = df[event][trials[cond_id]] raster = [] bin_template = 1e-3 * \ np.arange(window[0], window[1] + binsize, binsize) for event_time in selected_events: bins = event_time + bin_template # consider only spikes within window searchsorted_idx = np.squeeze(np.searchsorted(self.spiketimes, [event_time + 1e-3 * window[0], event_time + 1e-3 * window[1]])) # bin the spikes into time bins spike_counts = np.histogram( self.spiketimes[searchsorted_idx[0]:searchsorted_idx[1]], bins)[0] raster.append(spike_counts) rasters['data'][cond_id] = np.array(raster) # Show the raster if plot is True: self.plot_raster(rasters, cond_id=None, sortby=sortby, sortorder=sortorder) # Return all the rasters return rasters
[docs] def plot_raster(self, rasters, cond_id=None, cond_name=None, sortby=None, sortorder='descend', cmap='Greys', has_title=True): '''Plot a single raster. Args: rasters (dict): Output of get_raster method cond_id (str): Which raster to plot indicated by the key in :data:`rasters['data']`. If None then all are plotted. cond_name (str): Name to appear in the title. sortby (str or list): If :data:`rate`, sort by firing rate. If :data:`latency`, sort by peak latency. If a list, integers to be used as sorting indices. sortorder (str): Direction to sort in, either :data:`descend` or :data:`ascend`. cmap (str): Colormap for raster. has_title (bool): If True then adds title. ''' window = rasters['window'] binsize = rasters['binsize'] xtics = [window[0], 0, window[1]] xtics = [str(i) for i in xtics] xtics_loc = [-0.5, (-window[0]) / binsize - 0.5, (window[1] - window[0]) / binsize - 0.5] if cond_id is None: for cond in list(rasters['data']): self.plot_raster(rasters, cond_id=cond, cond_name=cond_name, sortby=sortby, sortorder=sortorder, cmap=cmap, has_title=has_title) else: raster = rasters['data'][cond_id] if len(raster) > 0: sort_idx = utils.get_sort_indices( data=raster, by=sortby, order=sortorder, ) raster_sorted = raster[sort_idx] plt.imshow(raster_sorted, aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap)) plt.axvline( (-window[0]) / binsize - 0.5, color='r', linestyle='--') plt.ylabel('trials') plt.xlabel('time [ms]') plt.xticks(xtics_loc, xtics) if has_title: if cond_id: if cond_name: plt.title('neuron %s. %s' % (, cond_name)) else: plt.title('neuron %s. %s: %s' % (, rasters['conditions'], cond_id)) else: plt.title('neuron %s' % ax = plt.gca() ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', top='off') plt.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', right='off') else: print('No trials for this condition!')
[docs] def get_psth(self, event=None, df=None, conditions=None, cond_id=None, window=[-100, 500], binsize=10, plot=True, event_name=None, conditions_names=None, ylim=None, colors=DEFAULT_POPULATION_COLORS): '''Compute the PSTH and plot it. Args: event (str): Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary :data:`data` which contains event times in milliseconds (e.g. stimulus/trial/fixation onset, etc.) conditions (str): Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary :data:`data` which contains the conditions by which the trials must be grouped. cond_id (list): Which psth to plot indicated by the key in :data:`all_psth['data']``. If None then all are plotted. df (DataFrame or dictionary): The dataframe containing the data. window (list of 2 elements): Time interval to consider, in milliseconds. binsize (int): Bin size in milliseconds. plot (bool): If True then plot. event_name (string): Legend name for event. Default is the actual event name conditions_names (TODO): Legend names for conditions. Default are the unique values in :data:`df['conditions']`. ylim (list): The lower and upper limits for Y. colors (list): The colors for the plot. Returns: dict: :data:`rasters` with keys :data:`event`, :data:`conditions`, :data:`binsize`, :data:`window`, and :data:`data`. :data:`rasters['data']` is a dictionary where each value is a raster for each unique entry of :data:`df['conditions']`. ''' window = [np.floor(window[0] / binsize) * binsize, np.ceil(window[1] / binsize) * binsize] # Get all the rasters first rasters = self.get_raster(event=event, df=df, conditions=conditions, window=window, binsize=binsize, plot=False) # Initialize PSTH psth = dict() psth['window'] = window psth['binsize'] = binsize psth['event'] = event psth['conditions'] = conditions psth['data'] = dict() # Compute the PSTH for cond_id in np.sort(list(rasters['data'])): psth['data'][cond_id] = dict() raster = rasters['data'][cond_id] mean_psth = np.mean(raster, axis=0) / (1e-3 * binsize) std_psth = np.sqrt(np.var(raster, axis=0)) / (1e-3 * binsize) sem_psth = std_psth / np.sqrt(float(np.shape(raster)[0])) psth['data'][cond_id]['mean'] = mean_psth psth['data'][cond_id]['sem'] = sem_psth if plot is True: if not event_name: event_name = event conditions_names = list(psth['data']) self.plot_psth(psth, ylim=ylim, event_name=event_name, conditions_names=conditions_names, colors=colors) return psth
[docs] def plot_psth(self, psth, event_name='event_onset', conditions_names=None, cond_id=None, ylim=None, colors=DEFAULT_POPULATION_COLORS): '''Plots PSTH. Args: psth (dict): Output of :meth:`get_psth`. event_name (string): Legend name for event. Default is the actual event name. conditions_names (list of str): Legend names for conditions. Default are the keys in :data:`psth['data']`. cond_id (list): Which psth to plot indicated by the key in :data:`all_psth['data']``. If None then all are plotted. ylim (list): The lower and upper limits for Y. colors (list): The colors for the plot. ''' window = psth['window'] binsize = psth['binsize'] conditions = psth['conditions'] if cond_id is None: keys = np.sort(list(psth['data'].keys())) else: keys = cond_id if conditions_names is None: conditions_names = keys scale = 0.1 y_min = (1.0 - scale) * np.nanmin([np.min( psth['data'][psth_idx]['mean']) for psth_idx in psth['data']]) y_max = (1.0 + scale) * np.nanmax([np.max( psth['data'][psth_idx]['mean']) for psth_idx in psth['data']]) legend = [event_name] time_bins = np.arange(window[0], window[1], binsize) + binsize / 2.0 if ylim: plt.plot([0, 0], ylim, color='k', ls='--') else: plt.plot([0, 0], [y_min, y_max], color='k', ls='--') for i, cond_id in enumerate(keys): if np.all(np.isnan(psth['data'][cond_id]['mean'])): plt.plot(0, 0, alpha=1.0, color=colors[i % len(colors)]) else: plt.plot(time_bins, psth['data'][cond_id]['mean'], color=colors[i % len(colors)], lw=1.5) for i, cond_id in enumerate(keys): if conditions is not None: if conditions_names is not None: legend.append('%s' % conditions_names[i]) else: legend.append('%s' % str(cond_id)) else: legend.append('all') if not np.all(np.isnan(psth['data'][cond_id]['mean'])): plt.fill_between(time_bins, psth['data'][cond_id]['mean'] - psth['data'][cond_id]['sem'], psth['data'][cond_id]['mean'] + psth['data'][cond_id]['sem'], color=colors[i % len(colors)], alpha=0.2) if conditions: plt.title('neuron %s: %s' % (, conditions)) else: plt.title('neuron %s' % plt.xlabel('time [ms]') plt.ylabel('spikes per second [spks/s]') if ylim: plt.ylim(ylim) else: plt.ylim([y_min, y_max]) ax = plt.gca() ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.tick_params(axis='y', right='off') plt.tick_params(axis='x', top='off') plt.legend(legend, frameon=False)
[docs] def get_spikecounts(self, event=None, df=None, window=np.array([50.0, 100.0])): '''Counts spikes in the dataframe. Args: event (str): Column/key name of DataFrame/dictionary :data:`data` which contains event times in milliseconds (e.g. stimulus/trial/fixation onset, etc.) window (list of 2 elements): Time interval to consider, in milliseconds. Return: array: An :data:`n x 1` array of spike counts. ''' events = df[event].values spiketimes = self.spiketimes spikecounts = np.asarray([ np.sum(np.all(( spiketimes >= e + 1e-3 * window[0], spiketimes <= e + 1e-3 * window[1], ), axis=0)) for e in events ]) return spikecounts