
Fitting Tuning Curves with Gradient Descent

The firing rates \(y_j\) of neuron \(j\) can be modeled as a Poisson random variable.

\[y_j = \text{Poisson}(\lambda_j)\]

We will drop the subscript \(j\) for convenience of notation and figure out how to fit the tuning curves of a given neuron \(j\).

The mean \(\lambda\) is given by the von Mises tuning model as follows.

\[\lambda = b + g\exp\Big(\kappa_0 + \kappa \cos(x - \mu)\Big)\]

However, this formulation is non-convex in \(\mu\). Therefore, we re-parameterize it to be more tractable (still non-convex in \(b\) and \(g\)) as follows.

\[\lambda = b + g\exp\Big(\kappa_0 + \kappa_1 \cos(x) + \kappa_2 \sin(x) \Big),\]

where \(\kappa_1 = \kappa \cos(\mu)\) and \(\kappa_2 = \kappa \sin(\mu)\).

Once we estimate \(\kappa_1\) and \(\kappa_2\), we can back out \(\kappa\) and \(\mu\) as \(\kappa = \sqrt{\kappa_1^2 + \kappa_2^2}\), and \(\mu = \tan^{-1}\Big(\frac{\kappa_2}{\kappa_1}\Big)\).

We estimate two special cases of this generalized von Mises model.

Special Case 1: Poisson Generalized Linear Model (GLM)

If we set \(b = 0\) and \(g =1\), we get:

\[\lambda = \exp\Big(\kappa_0 + \kappa_1 \cos(x) + \kappa_2 \sin(x) \Big),\]

This is identical to a Poisson GLM.

The advantage of this formulation is that it is convex and the disadvantage is that all parameters are not straightforward to interpret, with \(\kappa_0\) playing the role of both a baseline and a gain term.

Special Case 2: Generalized von Mises Model (GVM)

If we set \(\kappa_0 = 0\), we get:

\[\lambda = b + g\exp\Big(\kappa_1 \cos(x) + \kappa_2 \sin(x) \Big),\]

This is identical to a Eq. (4) in Amirikan & Georgopulos (2000).

The advantage of this formulation is is that although it is non-convex, we can easily interpret the parameters: - \(b\), as the baseline firing rate - \(g\), as the gain - \(\kappa\), as the width or shape

Minimizing Negative Log Likelihood with Gradient Descent

Given a set of observations \((x_i, y_i)\), to identify the parameters \(\Theta = \left\{\kappa_0, \kappa_1, \kappa_2, g, b\right\}\) we use gradient descent on the loss function \(J\), specified by the negative Poisson log-likelihood,

\[J = -\log\mathcal{L} = \sum_{i} \lambda_i - y_i \log \lambda_i\]

Taking the gradients, we get:

\[\frac{\partial J}{\partial \kappa_0} = \sum_{i} g \exp\Big(\kappa_0 + \kappa_1 \cos(x_i) + \kappa_2 \sin(x_i) \Big) \bigg(1 - \frac{y_i}{\lambda_i}\bigg)\]
\[\frac{\partial J}{\partial \kappa_1} = \sum_{i} g \exp\Big(\kappa_0 + \kappa_1 \cos(x_i) + \kappa_2 \sin(x_i) \Big) \cos(x_i) \bigg(1 - \frac{y_i}{\lambda_i}\bigg)\]
\[\frac{\partial J}{\partial \kappa_2} = \sum_{i} g \exp\Big(\kappa_0 + \kappa_1 \cos(x_i) + \kappa_2 \sin(x_i) \Big) \sin(x_i) \bigg(1 - \frac{y_i}{\lambda_i}\bigg)\]
\[\frac{\partial J}{\partial g} = \sum_{i} g \exp\Big(\kappa_0 + \kappa_1 \cos(x_i) + \kappa_2 \sin(x_i) \Big) \bigg(1 - \frac{y_i}{\lambda_i}\bigg)\]
\[\frac{\partial J}{\partial b} = \sum_{i} \bigg(1 - \frac{y_i}{\lambda_i}\bigg)\]

Decoding Feature from Population Activity

Under the same Poisson firing rate model for each neuron, whose mean is specified by the von Mises tuning curve, as above, we can decode the stimulus \(\hat{x}\) that is most likely to have produced the observed population activity \(Y = \left\{y_j, j = 1, 2, \dots \text{n_neurons}\right\}\).

We will assume that the neurons are conditionally independent given the tuning parameters \(\Theta\). Thus the likelihood of observing the population activity \(Y\) is given by

\[P(Y | \Theta) = \prod_j P(y_j | \Theta)\]

As before, the loss function for the decoder is given by the negative Poisson log-likelihood:

\[J = -\log\mathcal{L} = \sum_j \lambda_j - y_j \log \lambda_j\]


\[\lambda_j = b_j + g_j \exp\Big(\kappa_{0,j} + \kappa_{1,j} \cos(x) + \kappa_{1,j} \sin(x) \Big)\]

To minimize this loss function with gradient descent, we need to take the gradient of \(J\) with respect to \(x\)

\[\frac{\partial J}{\partial x} = \sum_{j} g_j \exp\Big(\kappa_{0,j} + \kappa_{1,j} \cos(x) + \kappa_{2,j} \sin(x) \Big) \Big(\kappa_{2,j} \cos(x) - \kappa_{1,j} \sin(x)\Big) \bigg(1 - \frac{y_j}{\lambda_j}\bigg)\]