Source code for spykes.config

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os

# Environment variables are formulated using SPYKES_KEY_%s.

# The default data path.
DEFAULT_DATA_DIR = '.spykes'

# Defines the default colors for the population plot.

[docs]def get_home_directory(): '''Returns the home directory, as a string. The home directory is either the :data:`HOME` environment variable, or the directory pointed to by :data:`~`, or the :data:`/tmp` directory if neither of those have write access. Returns: str: The path to the home directory. ''' if 'HOME' in os.environ and os.access(os.environ['HOME'], os.W_OK): return os.environ['HOME'] elif os.access(os.path.expanduser('~'), os.W_OK): return os.path.expanduser('~') else: return '/tmp' # Default is to return a temp directory.
[docs]def get_data_directory(): '''Returns the home directory for Spykes data. By default, this points to :data:`~/.spykes`. This can be overridden by setting the :data:`SPYKES_DATA` environment variable to point to the directory of your choice. Returns: str: The path to the data directory. ''' data_key = '{prefix}_DATA'.format(prefix=SPYKES_KEY) if data_key not in os.environ: home = get_home_directory() dir_path = os.path.join(home, DEFAULT_DATA_DIR) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) return dir_path else: return os.environ[data_key]